Need a transcript sent to a college or university? Send a request by setting up an account on Parchment.com
sat/act prep
Looking for extra SAT and ACT practice? Need homework help? Check out the College Board and Khan Academy websites for more valuable resources!
College & Career Resources
Wondering what to do after high school? Not sure where to start? Visit the links below and learn how to take your next steps!
Big Future™
College Planning Guide for Students with Learning Disabilities
Scholarships & Financial Aid
Searching for information on college student loans and scholarships? Explore the links below to learn about financial aid and repayment options.
Federal Student Aid
Fast Web
Important Note
Always talk with a financial aid counselor or registrar to learn what scholarships and financial aid opportunities may be available!
Email TCS Guidance Counselor, Dawn Petrick for more information at dawnp@triunitychristian.org