One Community. growing together. One Family at a time.
At TCS, we desire to be all that God has called us to be individually and as a Community. As One Community, we are dependent on the volunteer service of each family to continue moving forward in excellence in every part of the Tri-unity experience. By volunteering, you become a partner with TCS in your child’s education while advocating one of the core values of Christian discipleship: Servant Leadership. Our prayer is for you to joyfully embrace this opportunity to serve alongside fellow TCS community members while appreciating one another in the giving of our time, talents, and resources to God!
Here is how the Volunteer Service Program (VSP) works:
Each family is required to volunteer for opportunities that accumulate to 20 points (single-parent homes - 10 points) each school year. Each hour of volunteer service counts as 1 point unless otherwise specified under the description of the service opportunity. Points can be earned by any member of the family...parent, student, grandparent, etc. Families may opt-out of the VSP requirement with a $200 donation (single-parent homes $100 donation). VSP Program Policies and Procedures.
Volunteer opportunities are available through the link under the Featured tab on the TCS Community Facebook Page. Volunteer opportunities are added throughout the year, so please be sure to check back often for additional options.
Each volunteer opportunity listed will have a detailed description and the total number of volunteers needed for that opportunity.
Sign up for your preferred area of service, show up to serve, and self-report your service time through your RenWeb Parent Portal. It’s that easy! Click HERE for step by step self-reporting instructions.